Sunday, 9 January 2011

Time Wasting

I was sitting here thinking, "I really really should be doing some work", and then I looked at my timetable for tomorrow, and realised I already know exactly what I'm doing in each lesson. Hurray!!

I do, however, need to find some pieces of music to inspire my year 12s in their compositions, so will do that in a bit, but thought I'd waste a bit of time on here first...

I've had a most lovely weekend. I went back to mother and father's on Friday evening, then spent Saturday being pampered in gorgeous swimming pools and steam rooms and bubbling pools and rose-scented ovens. It was amazing!

Then church re-started today, and I talked to a few people I'd talked to before, and they are still lovely. There are tons of exciting things to get involved with at my church, and I found myself considering moving closer to it come September, so that I can get more involved in things like Soup Run and other community-based evening things. I can't do that this year anyway, as it's on a Thursday, which is MEd day.

Speaking of which, I have lots to be doing for that... I will use tomorrow's study period for reviewing literature, I think. Possibly...

Anyway, I'm excited about 2011.


Also... 9 days til my birthday. YEAH, BABY!

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..."
James 1:27

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