Friday, 28 January 2011

Post No. 60

(Significant numbered post = opportunity for slight pretentiousness. Apologies in advance...)

Opportunity knocks...
Carpe Diem
and everything happens for a reason.

Life, it would seem, is a mélange of opportunities - those we take, those we don't, those we don't realise we've taken until we're in the middle of them, and those we didn't realise we could have taken until we didn't...

It feels, at the moment, like I'm in the middle of one of those opportunities that I took without really realising what might happen if I took it. I'm in a job that is actually enjoyable, working with people I could actually be actual friends with - in fact, looking at a house share with one of them. Which is literally life-changing. Well, habit-changing at least... plus, I'm at a church where I feel like I could get properly stuck into.

What I need to make sure is that I'm not sitting back observing this opportunity pass me by, with an interested detachment, but instead grabbing hold of it with both fists, and seizing the moments as they arise.

I figure you're less likely to miss out on good things if this is the attitude to take.
(Like record players, complete with additional usb ports and funky wooden panelling that are sold out and no longer available... )

Carpe diem!
Do it!

"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"
Isaiah 43:18-19

(don't miss it)

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