Things I Am Currently Enjoying:
- Slipper season
- Hardy's Crest "Cabernet-Shiraz-Merlot" (even if it does sound like it was named by someone who had no idea what they were talking about, so named it in a 'delete-as-appropriate' fashion)
- Saxophoning
- Plum coloured nail varnish
- Abbreviating words (aka "word abbrieve.")
Things I Currently Find Inexplicably Irritating:
- Cupboard doors unnecessarily being left open
- The way my rug drifts across my bedroom floor
- The boy next door who has recently passed his driving test's inability to park. (I know, who am I to talk, right? But at least I don't park DIAGONALLY across other people's drives. Sheesh.)
- Year 9 children.
- Children in my form who keep misbehaving. Well, one child. A lovely child. But a lovely child who is, apparently, constantly misbehaving. Oh, child...
Strange Things That Have Recently Happened:
- A middle-aged man in Tesco's car park gave me his number. Checked to see if I was married, then told me to give him a text. Weird.
- A year ten child at school stalks our house. Weird(o).
- A Twitterer who I don't (think I) know, who follows everyone I follow, has retweeted me a couple of times and who also follows GLT tweeted me directly the other day. WHO ARE YOU?! I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Weird.
- My form wrote and performed me a song. Two of them sort of rapping sentences about me and/or things I like, while the third sang a sort of 'Jean Genie'-esque bass riff over and over again. Nice, sure, but definitely a strange one.
- Some children at school were singing Number's Up at me before their lesson the other day. Again, nice-ish, but a bit odd. Worlds colliding and all that... (incidentally, our music video has over 1,200 hits on YouTube. How exciting!)
Things I Am Considering Doing But Probably Won't:
- Dyeing my hair (again)
- Getting my nose pierced
- Going to Germany (wish I could)
- Applying for a new job
- Moving to London
Things I Wish I Were Better At:
- Saxophoning
- Time efficiency
- Cooking actual meals
- Reacting to my nephews' and nieces' birthdays. It's not that I forget them, it's just I don't organise myself sufficiently to get anything to them in time. Soz, kids.
- P.D.A.
Things I Don't Do Very Well Without But Wish I Could (Do Well Without Them):
- My phone (I hate that I put this at the top of the list)
- Eyeliner (what am I? Year 9?)
- My inhaler (though I do actually genuinely need that one every now and then)
- Words of affirmation
- The occasional dose of medicinal Dairy Milk
There's a selection of probably not very interesting, possibly a little insightful, definitely unnecessary factoids in numerical bullet form prose. That is not a thing. "in numerical bullet form" would have probably sufficed.
Anyway, anyway. I'm going to (maybe) do some work (possibly).
In other news:
How/when did that happen...?!
Oh well.
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