Thursday, 10 February 2011

10th February 1781

Today I bought grapes in three guises: fresh, dried (raisins) and fermented (vino)

Today I ate brie, grapes and Carr's melts for my tea. Lunch for tea.

Today I introduced my year 12s to the 18th Century. We spent the morning there. (and tomorrow, the year 13s and I are off to Ireland. They don't know that yet...)

Today I reported on two classes worth of year 9s. I quite like writing nice things about children that their parents are going to read.

Today my form listened to me. That was nice.

I wish, however, I could hear out of my left ear, and that it hurt less. That would be possibly even nicer... although I don't remember the last time I had earache, so it's quite an interesting sensation.

That is all.

"there may be pain in the night, but joy comes with the morning"
Chris McClarney

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