Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Sunshine Yellow

You know that feeling when you feel like you haven't stopped for breath over a length of time that is far too long not to have stopped for breath in?

I feel like that.

Immediately after the End of Term, this sleepy little life of mine kicked off like a small child on E110. I have been camping in Somerset (at New Wine - involving lots of God, new song singing, coffee drinking, life refreshing, tent building, soul renewing, wine drinking, book reading, cheese eating and all the good stuff); Hen Partying in Stamford (involving lots of map reading, clue writing, person hunting, water dodging, tea drinking and general merriment); watching Chicago in London (involving coffee drinking, cake eating, map reading, lost getting, phone calling, restaurant finding, dinner eating and show viewing); Hospital visiting (involving coffee drinking, book reading, cafe waiting, chunk-of-leg-extracting, thread breaking, stitch pulling and other uncomfortable situations); seeing ex-housemates in Cardiff (involving tea drinking, pizza eating, dress wearing, make-up applying, sambuca drinking, gay club visiting (accidentally), croissant eating, coffee drinking, train travelling and lots more food and drink besides).

And then today I passed my driving test! Wahoo! (They say those that pass fourth time make the best drivers...)

The next 3 days involve lots of marriage. Well, marriage prep. Well, wedding prep... Not mine. My best buddy's... This afternoon, I helped pick out pretty sparkly sequins and pretty paper hearts and pretty lovely photos for their guest book, and tomorrow I shall not only have my hair cut, but also do some Very Important Socialising with the immediate wedding party (Bride, Groom, Other Bridesmaid) and go to the pub with the locals (aka some of our other friends).
I can't wait.

Crazy life continues with a horizon of house moving and school visiting and MEd preparing etc etc etc...

Still, better to be busy than bored, right?

I can sleep when I'm dead.

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